Hemp Activism Meets Fashion Activism with SUBSTANCE Now on Kickstarter!

This week, we launched our Kickstarter Campaign that will end on December 17th at 8:00 p.m. Many of you have asked how to get a hold of our product. Well, here’s your chance. We are offering some great rewards and the ability to get many of our products at 40-55% off retail.

The way Kickstarter works is that we must reach our entire goal of $25,000 for the campaign to move forward. That means your credit card will not be charged unless we are completely funded by our deadline.

We know times are tough so we are grateful for any amount of donation you are able to pledge. All activity counts so even a dollar or two can show your solidarity with our project.

The funds we raise will be used as seed money to pay for our unique fabric, manufacture the pre-ordered rewards and allow us to move forward with our duplicate samples so we can start taking orders from the many boutiques who are interested in carrying our product.

We are releasing most of our new collection on this campaign so you will not only have access to our luxurious basics like men’s tees and women’s leggings, but you can also be one of the first to wear a Monah Li designed hemp dress, tee or hoodie. I have to say, the hoodie is my personal favorite as you can probably tell by one of my previous posts. Monah Li however, is known for the fit and design of her dresses and the fashion tees she created are quite unique. Visit our Kickstarter page to get a glimpse of all the products that are available. I think you’ll be impressed!

We hope you will support us and help us spread the word. It’s time for chic, soft, hemp fashion to hit the market. Will you help us get it there?

Please click here to check out our campaign: SUBSTANCE Kickstarter



How Cannabis Saved My Marriage

Today is my wedding anniversary. I’ve been married to Jay for 14 years. With today’s divorce rate, that’s  kind of a big deal.

wed pic

I didn’t plan on writing a blog today, but I came across this clip of Dr. Oz on the Larry King Show and I thought to myself, “Dr. Oz, you have no idea just how beneficial medical marijuana is!” It’s such a relief that people like Dr. Oz are doing their homework and admitting they were wrong.

The reason I felt so compelled to write this blog today is because I recognize how different I am now from the person I was 14 years ago on my wedding day. My daughter Samantha, who is 24 and bore witness to those 14 years, was reflecting with me over the weekend about how sick I always used to be. It seemed there was never a day I was 100%. I had issues with digestion, constant back and neck pain, depression, panic and anxiety disorder and even almost died from a gangrene gallbladder. It’s safe to say that Jay married a train wreck! Even my pregnancies were challenging. I always share with people  who comment on how well-behaved my kids are that  I paid my dues in utero and that’s why I have such well-behaved kids now. Part of me actually believes this. Nowadays, it is rare when I’m not 100%. I have the occasional day or two of not feeling well, but that is definitely no longer the norm and it feels amazing.

I’m sure that a lot of my illnesses were stress related: getting married, moving 30 miles away from my job,  remodeling our home, bringing my elderly mother with me and dealing with two of her cancers, dealing with family drama, having two difficult pregnancies, losing my mother to pancreatic cancer, starting a challenging business and duking it out with two business partners could probably short circuit the best of us.

One day, I hit rock bottom and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. My rock bottom included a severe dependence on prescription medication and a stint in the hospital as a result. I was addicted to sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medication, anti-depressants, anti-acids for my tummy and so on and so on. I was so addicted to caffeine that I guzzled lots of energy drinks to get through my day. I was a chemical time bomb waiting to explode. The funny things is, I didn’t think I was a drug addict because I was using medications that were prescribed.

Recently, my husband went through a health scare and he immediately took the homeopathic route to health.  I can honestly say that I am so impressed by the control he took over his illness with a detox and severe diet change. My husband is definitely not the type of person to go against conventional medicine, so the fact that he took a leap of faith was a big deal to me and  the fact that he saw results, I’m sure convinced him  to think twice about soley relying on conventional medicine. Bad health always impacts a relationship and I can only imagine what Jay was going through when I was always so sick with no end in sight. I have to admit, going though it with it Jay for just a few months was another “scared straight situation.” We have young children and the thought of them not having a vibrant, energetic dad was heartbreaking and I think he “got it!” I know I got it when I saw how much more energy I had with my kids after getting healthy.

Reading The Emperor Wears No Clothes 8 years ago changed my life. I always say this, but it’s true. It made me question everything. Today, as a result of the healthy lifestyle I’ve adopted, I am the healthiest I’ve ever been. I  attribute my attitude to my journey as a hemp activist. While exercise has always been a staple for me, I now exercise to feel good, as opposed to looking good. I also meditate almost every day which I believe is the key to reducing stress. I eat super healthy and I am off all chemicals. I used to be able to pound tequila back in the day and now, I’m lucky if I can finish a beer. I hardly drink any alcohol at all and to many, that may be hard to believe. While my mom was a devout Catholic, I’ve never been interested in religion but today, I know I am very spiritual.  I can attribute my mental peace to Marianne Williamson and The Course in Miracles, as well as the heightened spiritual awareness I feel when I do medicate. I can honestly say that I feel I have worked on my self so much these last 14 years, that Jay finally has the wife he deserves.

Nowadays, I defer to more homeopathic remedies and even refer to Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life, to figure out the thought patterns that are causing my ailments. Sounds crazy, but it’s true, your thoughts do affect your wellbeing.

How has all this saved my marriage? First, I married a man who is the most loyal human being on the planet, so off the bat, I will give him credit for that and for not leaving me when I was impossible to live with. Second, Jay’s support for my passion as a hemp activist is quite adorable. He is constantly doing research for me and pushing me towards my goals. Lastly, Jay has witnessed the chemical mess that was me and dealt with me while I  titrated off all my meds over an 18 month period.  It was not pretty! I know that Jay is grateful I turned my life around. He, and my kids are so happy that I have become who I am today, and guess what? I can attribute it all to the day I picked up Jack Herer’s book.

It has not been an easy journey for my husband and me these last 14 years but I can honestly say that we are stronger and more in love than ever. Thank you Mr. Werner for always, always supporting crazy old me and for not being shy about being married to a hemp activist. You are the perfect man to accompany me on this journey and I really do love you so much. Here’s to many more healthy, loving, peaceful, fun years together.





What I Really Learned From Jack Herer


Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of the passing of my friend, mentor and hero, Jack Herer. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank my lucky stars for having known him. Jack’s book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes is responsible for the recruitment of many activists, such as myself. It’s amazing how many people were directly affected by this larger than life man. Jack had a special energy of love and hope. He was a big bear of a man that loved people and loved his mission in a way that made you happy to jump on his band wagon. The first time I reached out to Jack, I had such reverence for him that the fact that he would even respond to me made made him remarkable in my book. As I got to know Jack, I learned that he was so grateful to have people spread his message, that he welcomed everyone with big, open arms.


The first time I met Jack in person was as his guest at a High Times Film Festival event in Marina Del Rey.  I got there early, with butterflies in my stomach, waiting for this man who I figured wouldn’t give me the time of day but would probably be courteous enough to be polite.  I shared with a few other people who were standing around how nervous I was to meet Jack. They kind of chuckled at me and reassured me that Jack was easy going.

Jack Herer finally arrived. I noticed that he was pretty tall and had eyes that sparkled. I went up him and introduced myself and when I did, the weirdest thing happened. I looked into his eyes and felt this strong sense of familiarity. I remarked to him immediately, “I feel like I’ve known you my whole life.” He responded with an amazed look on his face, “me too.” From that point on, we were friends and Jack made it his personal mission to make sure that I met anyone he thought was important for me to meet as a new activist. I felt so comfortable with him and felt like we were destined to be in each other’s lives. This is when I knew I found my calling. I was home.

Jack involved me in many of his projects but I believe the Seattle Hempfest was his favorite. He regaled me with stories of the Hempfest and was eager for me to share the experience with him.  At that point in time, things were not comfortable with my business partner and I didn’t think she would understand my taking off to the Seattle Hempfest with Jack. Jack asked over and over again, if I would come to Seattle with him. I was torn between pissing off my partner or disappointing Jack. I kept saying to him, “I’ll join you next year, I promise.” But Jack wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.

I ended up going to the 2010 Seattle Hempfest and let me tell you, it was AMAZING! Going to the Hempfest for the first time with Jack Herer is like walking through the Red Sea with Moses. He was the “reason for the season” and watching everyone pay homage to him was awesome. I had the time of my life watching him in action, signing books and talking, talking, talking. While I ended up coming down with an awful cold and being sick as a dog at the event, I can honestly say, I had the time of my life. I flew back home to L.A., exhausted and sick, but feeling so glad I didn’t miss it.

About a month later, Jack called me on the way to Portland’s Hempstalk and said he wished I could have come to that festival as well. I told him that I had a blast at the Seattle Hempfest and I looked forward to being at many more festivals with him. As we said our good-byes, he said “I love you.” I told him, “I love you back.” That was the last time we spoke. Jack Herer gave his last speech at the Portland Hempstalk where he suffered a massive heart attack. He was unconscious for about seven months and then passed away, April 15th, 2010. I was devastated.

In the short time I knew Jack Herer, I learned so much about hemp and activism. But what I really learned is that you cannot take tomorrow for granted. I really thought I had another year to get my act together to be good enough to hang with Jack. He, however, pushed me to dive in. Looking back, Jack treated me like learning everything he knew was urgent. What I learned is this: It was urgent!

The hemp movement is not the same without Jack Herer. It feels like the family is disjointed without it’s famous patriarch. Jack knew that I was passionate about honoring him with the most amazing hemp clothing line in the world and he treated me like he knew I would succeed. The fact that Jack had confidence in me, touched my heart. While I certainly have  not had a shortage of challenges with my business, the fact that I promised Jack I would get it done, drives me every single day.

Often times, I’ll put on Jack’s documentary,  The Emperor of Hemp, just to hear his voice. Those who know me well know that I love documentaries. This documentary, however, is extra special to me.

Check it out when you get a chance:

Even though my heart was broken when Jack Herer passed away, I am ever so grateful for the strong bond we created. I love you and miss you with all my heart, Jack Herer. I intend to make you very proud!




Join the 3% and Possibly Change the World

Carl Sagan on Books

Do You Own and Use a Library Card?

I didn’t visit the library much as a kid and my memories of libraries as I grew up were just places I went to get “shushed!” Kind of like the Vatican where I believe they actually hire “Professional Shushers!” Oh yea, I got shushed a lot there, too.

Maybe it’s the economy, maybe it’s the fact that my children love to read but something has recently sparked my love affair with the library. We used to spend so much money buying books at Barnes & Noble. My last garage sale looked like a bookstore!

Not too long ago, the Calabasas Library relocated to the perfect location. Right right behind Barnes and Noble! It’s in a beautiful new building with all sorts of neat ammenties. There’s even a courtyard with electrical outlets with WiFi. Oh, it’s fancy! It truly has become one of my favorite local hangounts and best of all, it’s FREE!

Since it’s no secret that my passion was sparked from a book (Jack Herer’s book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes) when I came across this statistic, an alarm went off. Could this be true? Only 3% of the whole United States owns and uses a library card? Then after the initial shock, I realized “Hey wait, when did my love affair start?!” Even if this is an exagerated statistic, it provoked me enough to want to write this.

As Carl Sagan so eloquently states above, books are magical. It only took one book to change my life.  And now, as I delve deeper and deeper into my passion, when I check a book from the library, I consider it a  “date.”  Truly, a book is like a relationship. You decide if you like it enough to keep going, and if not, you move on. The thing about the library however is you are never married. You’re just dating and there is such freedom in knowing you didn’t waste your money if you “just weren’t that into it.” What is that they always say? “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”

I am grateful to be an activist who has the internet available to make research so easy, but I can honestly say, nothing beats the experience of communing with books and bumping in to all sorts of other information on the way.

Well, if I haven’t gotten you excited about the library, you’ll have to check your pulse if this guy doesn’t:

Now go dust off that library card and join the 3% and let’s possibly make the world a better place.

An Interview with the Hempress

Getting To Know Your Activist Linda Werner

The Hempress

So excited to be included in the Hemp Lifestyle Magazine. Here is my interview. Just one note, I speak so fast I’m sure it sounded like I said I worked at the University of Santo Thomas, but the truth is, I worked at the University of Southern California. At this point, USC would probably prefer that I did work in Santo Tomas! I’m not sure how they feel about breeding a hemp activist! Thank you Hemp Lifestyle Magazine for including me in your mission to educate and change the world and please show Hemp Life Style Magazine some love and check them out. 

I got involved with hemp because I was an assistant to the Dean of the Medical School at the University of Santo Tomas and I was suffering some health challenges that led to panic and anxiety disorder. I got to the point where I was self-medicating to get to sleep and then realized one day that I was just overdoing it because nothing was putting me to sleep.

As a joke, somebody I worked with left me a note with the name of a doctor who would give me a medical marijuana prescription. I grew up as a Republican and was very anti the drug movement so I felt uneasy about the suggestion but I’d reached the point of desperation so decided I should at least do some research.

I came across Jack Herer’s book and read it from cover to cover – there was all of this information that I hadn’t even heard a hint of before. I remember saying to my husband, “I don’t understand why this information isn’t common knowledge, but you know what, I’m going to do something about this. I’m going to make clothing out of hemp and put Jack’s information inside the clothing-line.”

I emailed Jack with my proposal and to ask if I could have the copyrights to his books so that I can publish pieces on the inside of my clothing. To my surprise Jack responded the very next day giving me the OK. I met Jack a while later to sort out the legal documentation, and the weirdest thing was that when I met him for the first time I felt like I had known him for my whole life.

I’ve never had a hero but after I had read the book I really had a high regard for Jack and the incredible amount of knowledge he had. He was a true activist (this was a time before the internet as we know it now) and yet he drew attention to the cause by getting out there and making things happen.

My passion comes from the fact that there is a solution to the challenges we are facing in the US and across the world; the housing shortages, job losses, and food shortages, and that solution is hemp. From the talks that I give I’ve realized that people love learning about hemp. The moment people hear about the history of hemp, especially the deep American history of hemp, I see their faces light up – the information is so exciting! Many people are clueless of what you can do with hemp and when you start talking about it, it really impacts people on a personal level.

To read the rest of this article, claim your free subscription to Hemp LifestyleMagazine.

The Hempress Loves Groucho Marx!

I love funny people! If you can make me laugh, I want you to be my best friend. I actually train my kids to be funny. It makes life as a parent so much more bearable when you can all learn to laugh together as a family. Seriously!

Lately, I’ve been fixated on the Marx Brothers. I’m not kidding when I say I have tear my kids away from their books so they can watch TV with me. (My kids are serious bibliophiles!) I literally make time to sit with my kids to share some good old fashioned comedy. I pull up funny videos on Youtube all the time time and make them “study!” (It’s never too early to impress upon them the importance of “getting” old cartoon references: Pete Puma, Foghorn Legorhn, Monty Python, etc..)

Lately however, I’ve been dying laughing while watching the Marx Brothers on Netflix. I especially love watching my children respond to their comedy which proves just how timeless their humor is. While I have always loved the Marx Brothers, I have to admit, Groucho is my favorite. Take a look at this one clip from an interview on the old Dick Cavett show:

Groucho’s genius fascinates me. From what I’ve read, he had a gift for being able to listen to a question and  then devise the most hilarious retort possible, almost instantly. The quickness of his wit was astounding and I can’t help but marvel at what timeless humor he and his brothers were able to create.

In my “Marx Brother’s research,”  I came across this fascinating little tid bit of information. Here is an interview where Chico Marx was asked how Groucho got his name. Of course, it’s “hemp” related, check it out:

Chico Marx Explains How Groucho Got His Name

In a 1959 interview on BBC TV’s Showtime, Chico Marx was asked how his brother Groucho got his name. Referring to the times when marijuana was legal and the Marx Brothers were a Vaudeville act (around 1920), he replied, “We used to wear a little bag around our neck, called a Grouch bag. In this bag we would keep our pennies, some marbles, a couple of pieces of candy, a little marijuana, whatever we could get…(laughter from the audience)… because, you know, we were studying to be musicians (big smile to the crowd). So that’s where Groucho got his name.” The clip, from the 1993 documentary The Unknown Marx Brothers from Winstar Home Video

So, that is how Julius Henry Marx got the name Groucho. It was the name of the bag he used to carry his weed in!  So could it have been the marijuana that contributed to Groucho’s creative genius? Well, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised.

Hemp Bandeau On The Run

Think Substance will be releasing a line of hemp bandeaus or what we used to call “Tube Tops” back in the 70’s for our spring collection next year.

May Lindstrom

While May Lindstrom looked super  hot in this version last year, next spring’s version will be a tribute to Paul McCartney and Wings’ song “Band On The Run.”

Band on the Run just happens to be one of my favorite songs so when I found this insightful little tidbit in Jack Herer ‘s book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, I was thrilled!

Timothy White interviewed Paul McCartney, formerly of the Beatles, for a book and developed it into a radio program called “McCartney: The First 20 years.” He asked the songwriter to explain his song “Band on the Run,” on the album of the same name.

    “Well, at the time, bands like us and the Eagles were feeling like and being treated like, outlaws and desperadoes, you know,” replied McCartney.

    “I mean, people were getting busted—for pot, that is. And that’s about all they were getting popped for. Never anything serious.

    “And our argument was that we didn’t want to be outlaws. We just wanted to be part of the regular scene, you know, and make our music and live in peace. We didn’t see why we should be treated like criminals when all we wanted to do was smoke pot instead of hitting the booze.

    “And that’s what the song was about; it was my reaction to that whole scene.…”

“And the county judge /

who held a grudge /

will search forever more /

for the band on the run.”

    —From “The First 20 Years”, broadcast on KLSX 97.1 FM (Los Angeles) and other stations of the Westwood One radio network January 29, 1990.

    McCartney also wrote the famous line that got the song “A Day in the Life” banned from British radio: “Had a smoke. Somebody spoke and I went into a dream.” A vocal supporter of marijuana legalization, McCartney has repeatedly been arrested and was imprisoned for 10 days during a concert tour of Japan. The Japanese government canceled his tour and banned him from playing in that country, costing him millions of dollars. To his credit, he has continued to speak out for pot smokers.

Hemp, hemp hooray for Sir Paul! So when you seen a Think Substance Hemp “Bandeau on the Run,” you can pretty much guess what story you will find when you “Look Within!”

Think Substance Luxury Hemp

We Meant Those Other Drugs

I’m a big fan of Bill Hicks. I love when he says, “Fact. Stop your internal dialogue” as he points out the hypocritical views on alcohol and marijuana.

If you don’t know Bill Hicks, you’re missing out. He was definitely a talent way ahead of his time. While this material is not new, it’s amazingly relevant. Enjoy!

Think Substance Luxury Hemp

Sex And The City With Hemp

What does Sex and the City have to do with hemp? Nothing, really. Could you picture the girls, sitting around in one of their cool diners, talking about the history of hemp or the industrial potential of the plant? It’s probably safe to assume that this scene didn’t flash through creator Darren Star’s mind.  It is, however a scene that flashed through my mind, I must admit.  Since the premiere of that show in the in 1998, SATC not only revolutionized female bonding, it’s fashion creativity gave allowances to women in their 40’s to be a little more hip and daring.

Isn’t it the fashionistas of the world who are so passionate about what they wear that their statements reach global proportions all the time? They proudly wear logos and brand names like a medal of honor. I’m sure there is a psychology behind this addiction to luxury products and that’s why these are the exact people I imagine enrolling in our cause to create a sustainable future through hemp. Here are a few scenes where I think products made from hemp could have been appropriate:

Check out this scene where Carrie Bradshaw discovers the ironically named Manolo Blahnik “Maryjanes.”

Then you have the sex crazed Samantha. Do you recall the back massager as a vibrator episode?

Did you know that plastic can be made from hemp and would actually biodegrade? It would be nice if that vibrator/back massager was biodegradable at the rate Samantha goes through them!

It’s people with vices like these who could use a little help easing their conscience just a bit. Don’t you agree? I truly believe that hemp products can do just that. As recent as four years ago, I had a hard time finding anything that I could truly embrace in the hemp fashion world. This is exactly why I created my own luxury hemp brand Think Substance. Today however, I’m happy to report that there’s been a huge amount of growth and a wide variety of products you can get addicted to (such as Carrie’s addiction to Manolo’s).  I can honestly say that the number of people who are addicted to Think Substance Luxury Hemp amazes me. I’ve heard stories from my fashionista friends about how they live in Think Substance and how excited they are to share my message. There’s nothing more satisfying than dressing people in hemp and knowing that they love it, more so because it stand for a great cause.

Nowadays, there is an array of hemp products to choose from. Whether it be the in the form of apparel, cosmetics, food or even cars, there is a way to hook into the possibility of another industrial revolution. This time, it will be the taste makers who will pave the way…. via hemp.

Think Substance Luxury Hemp